Thursday, April 16, 2009

Teenage angst

As I've been packing up my belongings preparing for the first of two moves in less than 6 months, I found some really old journals that I kept in high school. I was fascinating by three main things as I poured through them...

1. That I clearly couldn't remain focused on one journal as none of them were even filled halfway

2. I must have thought I was good at writing poetry...because there was a lot of it in there...and it was all TERRIBLE!! and...

3. What the hell?! Was I really that depressing in high school?!

I know that high school wasn't the greatest time of my life, but I don't remember being as unhappy as I made it appear in those journals. As a "getting closer to real" psychologist, I would've probably given myself some inappropriate diagnosis if that's all I knew. Clearly I only used those journals during moments of teenage angst...why couldn't I have filled them with more uplifting and great memories?! Those are the ones I want to have written down when I'm old, gray, and can't remember shit! I guess I'll have to make a point of doing that from now on.

Oh...and maybe I should create a new diagnostic category for teenagers..."Get over yourselfitis"


bodaat said...

oh my gosh, i wish i had mine!! :) mine could get pretty negaive too. i don't know what that's about...just teenagerism I guess.